Creating a Web Form for Dental Case Submissions

An online form can contain lists of selectable items that allow you to specify precisely which manufacturing options are available to the Dentist.

To add a web form, follow these steps:

  1. In the DEXIS IS Connect toolbar, click .

  2. In the Settings window, click Forms.

  3. In the Web Forms section, click Create a form.

  4. In the Web Form Setup window, use the check boxes to select items to add to your custom form.

  5. Click Next to continue through each step of the Creating form process.

  1. When you reach the Summary step, enter a name for the form and click Create.
    The form appears in your list of web forms.

  2. To review the web form, click .
    The Custom Case wizard appears, showing the web form steps a Dentist will go through to define what work needs to be done for a case. You can go through the steps or simply click in the upper right corner of the dialog box to close the wizard and return to the forms list.

  3. To make this form available to Dentists, click Activate Web Form.
    Note: You can have only one active web form available to Dentists at a time. When you activate a web form, any other activated web form is automatically deactivated.

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